The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at

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The Market is Open

Happy Halloween-
I love this time of year- when the weather starts to cool down. Whoops- wait….. that hasn’t happened yet! Oh well- I guess Mother Natures trick is on us this year.
Here on our farm everything is starting to really pop. Most of our fall greens are in and producing. We are still waiting on broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts, but most everything else is in and looking delicious.
See you at the market on Thursday,

The Market is Open

Ah it looks like Fall is here! Our farm is almost ready. The high tunnels are all planted, garlic and onions are still going into the ground and we have a few hundred more transplants just waiting there turn to go into newly picked spots in the high tunnels. I check the broccoli everyday now- hoping and praying for little heads to develop- not yet- but maybe soon. The weather is changing slowly and before I know it, I will be covering our outdoor crops with plastic to extend their season.

See you all on Thursday,

The Market is Open

Sorry to be late today- We have had a few family issues going on that took me away from my duties here on PFF. Rest assured that I will be at the market with goodies on Thursday.
See you at Tractor Supply,

The Market is Open

Well, another milestone has been met here on the farm. Our family took a weekend off- like really off the farm. We had a funeral to attend in Ohio this weekend and we left the farm- all of us- really! First time since we moved here over four years ago. My wonderful Aunt and Uncle came and took care of farm chores for us. So no animals were harmed in this weekend off. All were loved on, and fed, and walked. Although the occasion was a solemn one, it was still nice for all of us to pile into the car and go….. just like we used to do, before we were farmers. Before we had animals that depended on us, high tunnels to open and close, watering vegetables by hand, seedling needing watering, and plants that need planting.
Did I mention that I am glad to be back? Oh I am… I missed all of it, even if I was only gone 48 hours.
See you on Thursday,

The Market is Open

Fall must be here- Bizzel Bluff Farms has Apple Cider and Cider Syrup!!! My favorite time of the year when the weather changes and my favorite veggies come into season.
Here on the farm we continue to plant our fall crops, and we are hoping for Kale in the next few weeks. The leaf lettuce is coming along and we continue to plant more for our Fall and Winter production.
See you on Thursday,

The Market is Open

Good Monday Morning-
We are out planting more fall seedlings today. I feel that these little starts are going to do so well. The weather is finally going to start cooperating and acting more like Fall. The past month we have been watering like crazy in an effort to keep our fall seedlings alive in this hot weather.
We are about 3 weeks away from beautiful head lettuce and Kale. I can’t wait to share those items with you our customers.
See you on Thursday at Tractor Supply,

The Market is Open

Sorry to be late- I got involved in planting seeds and completely forgot to open the market.

We will be moving back to Tractor Supply this week. The traditional farmers market has closed for the season, and we are now back to our old ways.

The Caldwell County Farmers Market is having a TOWNHALL MEETING on Tuesday September 20th at 6pm at the County Extension Office. We really need our community to come out and tell us what you would like to see for next year. There is a possibility of a new pavilion for the market if enough folks come out and tell our state representatives that this is what you would like to see. The office of Agriculture Policy for the Governor’s Office wants to know from the community what you want and that you want a farmers market in your community. If no one shows up for this meeting we may find ourselves without a permanent location and pavilion. We are one of 10 counties in our state that does not have a Pavilion. Our team (County Extension, Farmers Market Board, Farmers Market Vendors, State, County and City officials) want to see that change! We cannot do it without you though. Please consider coming for this meeting, putting in your two cents, and showing support for local foods and your local farmers.
See you on Thursday at Tractor Supply from 4-6pm.

The Market is Open

What a wonderful morning it has been so far. I love the thought of Fall with the leaves changing and and our gardens growing Fall/Winter crops. As much as I love tomatoes and summer crops, I have to confess that my true love is greens. I love planting lettuce, kale, cabbage, and broccoli. Maybe it is that I grew up in Nevada and really didn’t have much green in my life, but the greens of fall really make me happy. Dare I say, that I will not miss July’s hot days too? It does look like Fall will indeed show its colors before long, and I for one cannot wait.
See you on Thursday- for our last Traditional Market of the season. After this week we will be returning to Tractor Supply on Thursday afternoons.

The Market is Open

Happy Labor Day-
I hope everyone is home relaxing. We here on the farm are laboring! Putting in watering timers, planting fall crops, and trying to get things a little more organized here on the farm. It is amazing how many things my Hannah did here on the farm- I mean, I knew she was doing work, but missed the intricacies that she provided. Now that all three kiddos are in school, I am aware of just how much she did. It is the little things, like watering everyday. It seems like I should be able to attack that without a problem, but totally missed that it takes hours each day with fertilizing and timing all the different areas. She has been home this weekend brainstorming with me just what we can do to make this farm run smoothly now that I am the only one really running it. Wow- that sounded weird to say! We started our farm as a family, but as the kiddos move forward in their lives, I MUST figure this out. Ultimately it is my dream to farm and they just came along for the ride.
Again, I hope you are enjoying your Labor Day. See you on Thursday,

The Market is Open

Sorry folks-
I got busy planting fall seedlings and totally forgot to open the market.
It is open now and I apologize for the inconvenience.
See you on Thursday at Princeton Park,