The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at

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The Market is Open

So, you may have noticed how disorganized we were last week. I want to explain what happened and apologize. I had a class on Friday morning that went long and was unable to get home for the market. Hannah was going to take care of things on the farm- because she is so capable and can do wonders. However, the kids had left a candle unattended and a fire started while they were outside watering the garden. Hannah found the fire and was able to get it out on her own, but it rattled her (as it would have me too). She called me after it was out, and I called the Fire Dept out just to make sure it was completely out. I wanted to say that thank you to all of our customers that came out last week and were so understanding when your items were not there. We really do try our best to make sure we have everything that we say we will have, but sometimes things are out of our hands. Life just happens sometimes! I truly appreciate how much you all have cared for our family and the understanding that you show when we have done our best and still failed. Everything is fine in the house. It is still a bit smokey, but we have all been served a lesson in awareness of our surroundings. Thank you again for all of your support. See you on Thursday,