The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at
The Market is Open
Good Morning All-
As many of you know we have a traditional farmer’s market during the summer here in Princeton. We are having the meeting on April 11 at 7pm at the Caldwell County Extension Office. If you woulk like to sell veggies, arts and crafts, or other items, we would love to have you come out and see how we are improving the market this year.
We are open to other ideas for the market too.
I hope to see you all there,
Angela and Hannah
The Market is Open
Ray came home two weeks ago and a lot has been done on the farm since. We are feeling much promise for our future as farmers. We have had 19 ewe lambs and 9 ram lambs in the last two weeks. Meaning we have doubled our herd in less than two weeks. We have had our first set of triplets born on the farm to a very attentive ewe mamma. We are supplementing the smallest little girl in the trio with high hopes that she will catch up to her brothers soon.
Our gardens are being turned into permanent on the ground raised beds with tons of compost being added in. Just this weekend the boys unloaded at least 1 ton of compost and tilled into the beds. We have our high tunnels occultating at the moment with silage tarps in the effort to burn off all of the weeds and weed seeds.
There is still so much to do, but we are making progress.
See you at the market Friday,
Angela and Hannah
The Market is Open
Once again the weather in Kentucky strikes again. I have only experienced weather like this in Nevada, where it was known to snow in June.
I wanted everyone to know about a great class the Caldwell County Extension office is putting on Backyard Gardening.
The class is on March 28th from 6-8pm at the Caldwell County Extension Office. Please call their office at 270-365-2817 to register before the 25th of March. It looks to be a great class for our community.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday,
We apologize for the late opening
Hello everyone!
We are sorry the market is being opened so late today! I had a doctors appointment that ran late this morning and forgot to open the market. I hope you all are enjoying this fabulous sunshine. On the farm, we have a ewe in labor and hopefully soon we will have our first lambs of the season. Can’t wait to see you all on Friday!
Happy Rounded Pi Day’
The Market is Open
This is the year- the year I finally figure out this farming endeavor. My records are going to be better, my planning is going to be more realistic, and my goals are going to be more in line with what I really can do.
I am lining up what I do with the experts in market gardening and really trying to understand how to farm more efficiently, effectively, and more profitably. Take the carrots I planted yesterday: The books tell me to plant them 6 inches apart and spaced 1 1//4 inches apart. That would give me about 3500 seeds to plant. However, I have been broadcast seeding my carrot seeds in my raised beds and yesterday I used 15,000 seeds instead of 3500. I used 77% more seeds. Now to figure out if I am really getting that many carrots come up in my system? I don’t really know, as I have not kept great records. I am still in the “Oh my gosh, aren’t they pretty” stage of farming. Now I have figured out I can grow them- now I need to figure out the dollars and sense of growing carrots. What does it really cost me, what are my processing/cleaning/Transporting costs?
So that is where my mind is this season. Trying to now narrow down how to be more efficient, grow more food for our community and improve the farming systems I have in place.
Hannah will be running the market this week, as I run down to get Ray from the Airport.
See you Friday,
The Market is Open
Hello Everyone,
The birds are chirping, the frogs are croaking, and the bulbs are blooming. It’s the last day of February and all of us are gearing up for spring. On our farm, we have cleaned the greenhouse started seeds, and brought the ewes to one of the front paddocks for lambing season. Hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather as much as we are!
See you on Friday,
The Market is Open
Seeds have been ordered, wood chopped for the greenhouse wood stove, and greenhouse has been cleaned and readied. we are getting excited to plant. Our greenhouse is new and so we are heading into new territory here, hoping that we can keep the seedlings warm at night. As new farmers I find that I often am just giving it a try and hoping that it (whatever the newest idea is) works. The daily challenges are what I love about farming. There is always something new to learn. This time of year we are focusing our learning on seeding, growing, and nourishing our plants. Our goal is to give them a great start so that they can be healthy for your bodies somewhere in the future.
I look forward to seeing you on Friday,
The Market is Open
Kentucky weather continues to amaze me. I am never quite sure what to expect. Spring fever is a real thing here at the farm. I am ready to start planting seeds, and we are getting so close. Hannah and I will be attending tomato classes in the coming weeks to learn how to take care of our tomatoes better.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday,
The Market is Open
Hello Everyone,
This week only, Tony Estes of Rock View Farms is offering 20% off all meat items!! If you are curious about additional items not listed on the market, call Tony and he will be happy to discount those too. His number is (270) 963-2153. He will be there on Friday at the market with refund checks for the 20% off your order. Happy reminder, 32 more days until spring. So stay warm through these last few cold snapsand enjoy the winter veggies!
See you on Friday,
The Market is Open
What a beautiful weekend. It felt like a little sneak peak of Spring. I definitely have Spring fever. I am planning out this years gardens, pouring over seed catalogs and dreaming of all that green in my fields.
I look forward to seeing you on Friday,