The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at

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The Market is Open

Ray came home two weeks ago and a lot has been done on the farm since. We are feeling much promise for our future as farmers. We have had 19 ewe lambs and 9 ram lambs in the last two weeks. Meaning we have doubled our herd in less than two weeks. We have had our first set of triplets born on the farm to a very attentive ewe mamma. We are supplementing the smallest little girl in the trio with high hopes that she will catch up to her brothers soon.
Our gardens are being turned into permanent on the ground raised beds with tons of compost being added in. Just this weekend the boys unloaded at least 1 ton of compost and tilled into the beds. We have our high tunnels occultating at the moment with silage tarps in the effort to burn off all of the weeds and weed seeds.
There is still so much to do, but we are making progress.
See you at the market Friday,
Angela and Hannah