The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at
The Market is Open
Sorry to be late- I got involved in planting seeds and completely forgot to open the market.
We will be moving back to Tractor Supply this week. The traditional farmers market has closed for the season, and we are now back to our old ways.
The Caldwell County Farmers Market is having a TOWNHALL MEETING on Tuesday September 20th at 6pm at the County Extension Office. We really need our community to come out and tell us what you would like to see for next year. There is a possibility of a new pavilion for the market if enough folks come out and tell our state representatives that this is what you would like to see. The office of Agriculture Policy for the Governor’s Office wants to know from the community what you want and that you want a farmers market in your community. If no one shows up for this meeting we may find ourselves without a permanent location and pavilion. We are one of 10 counties in our state that does not have a Pavilion. Our team (County Extension, Farmers Market Board, Farmers Market Vendors, State, County and City officials) want to see that change! We cannot do it without you though. Please consider coming for this meeting, putting in your two cents, and showing support for local foods and your local farmers.
See you on Thursday at Tractor Supply from 4-6pm.