The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at
The Market is Closed this Week
I am sorry folks. I wanted to open the market this week, but the more I contemplate how to get everything done the more I am convinced I cannot. This is the week we take Miss Hannah to college on Wednesday and Thursday. This means a wont have an opportunity to meet the milk man on Thursday morning or pull all of the orders together before the market Thursday afternoon.
I think this is going to be a rough week as I have been with this sweet young women 24/7 since she came home to homeschool in fourth grade. She has promised to go off to college and learn the EASY way to farm so she can come home and teach me.
I hope that y’all can understand and I promise to be back and working the markets full force next week.
See you next week and thank you for understanding,