The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
For more information please contact Angela Magney at
The Market is Open
When Fall comes I really get into the learning mood. It is the first time I have come up for air from summer harvesting and fall planting and my mind is starting to reflect on how to farm better. I am hungry for knowledge, because as I am bustling through the year I am filing away my failures, my fast fixes, my oh my gosh what have I done moments, and my successes. Now is the time of year I really start focusing on those issues. I have already started to educate myself and am really looking forward to more in the future. Ray and I took a organic blueberry class this weekend and learned a ton of information. Particularly about our soil type and how to improve it. Plus we learned that organic certification may not be as hard as we thought it would be. As much as we want to plant blueberries this year, it will probably be at least another year, before we can get the soil right for these bushes to come onto the farm. Ray and I will be attending one of my favorite authors seminar in December- Jean Martin Fortier, in both Tennessee and Arkansas – where we will learn how to get more in the ground and the tools that help with that process. I am excited to see his processes as he grows a ton of food on 1.5 acres, enough to support his family and feed his community. I love that there is so much information out there now on how to become a successful farmer. As I continue to navigate my way through being a green (new)converted farmer, I really appreciate the folks who are willing to educate me through this process.
See you on Friday,