Rock View Farm
Website: www.rockviewfarm-ky.com
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
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Rock View Farm
Rock View Farm is tucked away in a hollow in Eastern Caldwell County, Kentucky about four miles west of Dawson Springs on U.S. Hwy 62.
We are a small family farm and produce crossbred market (meat) goats, meat chickens, eggs, and vegetables. Our goats are free-ranging on seven acres of pasture consisting of forages native to the farm. Our chickens are protected from “unwanted wildlife” in a large fenced yard. They have the opportunity to free range in their own space. Our vegetable production consists of large garden-style plots totaling about an acre. We added a Seasonal High Tunnel in 2013 and have the ability to produce items earlier in the spring and later in the fall. Our production practices are conventional but we only use Best Management Practices consisting of minimal pesticide use that will allow us to produce quality products.
We welcome your visit to Rock View Farm!